This page contains additional photographs from “Astronomy at the Beach.” It also has pointers to club newsletter articles about “Astronomy at the Beach.”

Astronomy at the Beach is an event held once a year at Kensington Metropark (located near Brighton, Michigan).

April 25-26, 1997; May 1-2, 1998 and August 20-21, 1999.

The University Lowbrow Astronomers.

July 21-22, 2000.

The University Lowbrow Astronomers.

August 24-25, 2001.

The University Lowbrow Astronomers.
Dave Snyder. “Astronomy at the Beach.” Reflections of the University Lowbrow Astronomers (September, 2001).

May 17-18, 2002.

The University Lowbrow Astronomers.

September 5-6, 2003.

The University Lowbrow Astronomers.
Dave Snyder. “The Seventh Annual ‘Astronomy at the Beach.’ ” Reflections of the University Lowbrow Astronomers (November, 2003).

May 21-22, 2004.

The University Lowbrow Astronomers.

September 9-10, 2005.

The University Lowbrow Astronomers.

September 29-30, 2006.

The University Lowbrow Astronomers.

September 21-22, 2007.

Dave Snyder. “The 11th Annual Astronomy at the Beach.” Reflections of the University Lowbrow Astronomers (October, 2007).

September 5-6, 2008.

The University Lowbrow Astronomers.

September 25-26, 2009.

The University Lowbrow Astronomers.

September 10-11, 2010.

The University Lowbrow Astronomers.

September 9-10, 2011.

The University Lowbrow Astronomers (Part 1 of 2).
The University Lowbrow Astronomers (Part 2 of 2).
Paul Walkowski. “Astronomy at the Beach 2012.” Reflections of the University Lowbrow Astronomers (September, 2012). [In spite of the title, this was written before the 2012 event and really describes the 2011 event].
“Astronomy at the Beach: A model skygazing outreach event” written by David Eicher, keynote speaker for the 2011 event.

September 21-22, 2012.

“Astronomy at the Beach.”
“Three other photos from Astronomy at the Beach.”
“Astronomy at the Beach (Paul’s email).”

September 27-28, 2013.

The University Lowbrow Astronomers (20 photos).

September 26-27, 2014.

The University Lowbrow Astronomers (24 photos)
The University Lowbrow Astronomers (1 photo).
The University Lowbrow Astronomers.
The University Lowbrow Astronomers.